Our first personal goal as true disciples of Christ is to growth towards “the maturity of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13). From our abiding in Christ, we try to live adoration and intercessory prayer, fellowship and evangelism. May God be glorified and His Kingdom be extended, are our aims.
Our first goal…
We want to live radically the gospel, as true disciples of Jesus. So we strive in the Christian battle against sin and against our spiritual enemies. And we do not stop looking for the means that the grace of God and the Church put in our hands in order to grow.
Adoration and intercessory prayer…
We live centrally adoration and intercessory prayer, personally and in community prayer. Both are essential and inseparable from everything else we do. We understood that adoration is “the workshop of transformation” and that in it the Lord transforms us and empowers us. We experience what the Master said: “Apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).
We strive to build a Christian environment where living in unity, supporting each other and growing everyone, from children to the elderly. To do so, we share the teaching, Communion, the breaking of bread and the prayers (cf. Acts 2:42), in different community meetings and retreats that we have. We prepare activities and pay particular attention to children, adolescents, youth, couples, singles, etc.
We have a clear call to evangelization. To put it into practice, we conduct workshops and meetings, visit prisons, distribute books or pamphlets, produce radio programs, perform plays and concerts, among other activities with which we proclaim the joyful message of Jesus Christ. But above all, we try to be His witnesses.
May His Kingdom be extended…
Our desire is to do the will of God and therefore we do not devote to scheduling or preparing plans, but in first place to listen and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to whom we want to be faithful. As we have a call to share what we have received, we lead meetings and activities with an evangelistic nature, we lead adorations to extend the call to adoration and the experience of adoration, we distribute books of Christian formation and spiritual growth, as a result of the wealth of teaching that we have in the Community, and we pray and try to help those in need.